Biological Compost Tea
Bio Nectar is a compost tea developed by Texas Earth and has been very successful in the turf and ag industry. It introduces beneficial microorganisms and enzymes to the soil profile which enhances the biodiversity of the plant rhizosphere. Enhanced biodiversity results in improved crop and turf yields and lower incidence of disease in addition to more efficient water utilization.
Bio Nectar contributes to healthier soil by reducing compaction and improving aeration, as well as greater Nitrogen utlizaation. Bio Nectar interacts with plant roots to assist in providing beneficial enzymes and growth promoting substances while competing with pathogenic microorganisms. While some microbial products are produced anaerobically to accommodate a longer shelf life, Bio Nectar is produced in the presence of oxygen promotes a microbe active rhizosphere thereby reducing disease susceptibility by discouraging the growth of undesirable organisms in the root zone.
In summary Bio Nectar promotes plant growth and better Nitrogen utilization, reduces compaction, reduces the amount of water needed and helps the plant resist disease.
Can be spoon fed through drip or sprinkler irrigation. Can be applied with most commonly used fertilizers. Do not mix with fungicides, aqua ammonia, sulfuric acid, pesticides or herbicides. Avoid applying with chlorinated water straight from faucet without allowing 24 hours for the chlorine to vaporize off as Bio nectar is composed of live organisms subject to damage from chlorine or the above mentioned products.
Application Instructions
Application | Rate Per Acre | Frequency |
All types of warm and cool season grasses | Dilute one part product with three parts water | Apply Every 14-28 Days |
Side dress or water run as often as desired per season |
Caution: Keep out of reach of children and animals. Not for Human Consumption.Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. If on skin wash with soap and water. If in eyes, rinse repeat ably with water. Bio Nectar is considered non-hazardous.
Shipped in 5 gallons, 55 gallon, 275 gallon totes and in bulk tankers.
Storage And Handling:
Warm storage preferable. Can be stored up to 8 weeks out of direct sunlight. Loosen cap for venting while in storage. Mix well prior to using. Use promptly after mixing.
Container Size:
Shipped in 5 gallons, 55 gallon, 275 gallon totes and in bulk tankers.
It is not recommended to use this product with fungicides and pesticides, it’s the users responsibility to conduct all trial tests.
Rock phosphate, earthworm castings, molasses and kelp.
Active Ingredients:
Rhizobium leguminosarum ……1,000,000 CFU/ml
Azotobacter chrooccum………..1,000,000 CFU/ml
Contains Non-Plant Food Ingredients:
2% Molasses from cane (microbial food)
1% worm castings (microbial food)
3% fish hydrolysate (microbial food)
1% kelp extract (microbial food)
Inert ingredients.
93% water.
Problem Condition: Low phosphate soils.