Dakotah Roots Top Dressing Compost
Eco Works Supply now distributes compost and compost blends called Dakotah Roots. Produced by the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC)Organics Recycling Facility located in Shakopee, MN.
SMSC Organics Recycling Facility produces the highest quality compost products.
• SMSC Organics Recycling Facility does not accept hazardous or regulated materials i.e. glass, rocks, plastic, treated wood, glued wood, metals, painted wood or trash.
• Only source separated organics, grass clippings, leaves, paper products, and woody material are utilized as feed stock for our compost operations
• All compost operations are conducted on an asphalt surface eliminating contamination of inert materials.
• Compost utilized for top dressing is screened to ¼” fraction, one of finest screenings in the compost market.
• SMSC Organics Recycling Facility uses excellent quality control during the composting
process. Compost is regularly tested to assure it meets standards and acceptable specifications.
Both 100% Dakotah Roots Compost and Compost Blends are available. Custom
blending is also available.
• Compost ½” screen and ¼” screen
• Screened Black Dirt
• Half and Half (50% Black Dirt and 50% Compost)
• Athletic Field Top Dressing Blend (50% Compost, 50% Sand) Can blend any sand. (Special blends are available on request)
• Garden Blend (40% Black Dirt, 40% Compost, 20% Peat)
• Mulch – Colored, Natural, and Twice Ground Sold in bulk from the Shakopee facility
• Pick up or delivery available
• All product sold by the cubic yard
• One ton of compost equals 1.5 Cubic Yard
Dakotah Roots is an excellent product for top dressing and building up soil
structure on athletic fields and golf courses. Benefits of Dakotah Roots compost for athletic fields and golf turf:
• Provides nutrients
• Increases organic matter
• Improves soil structure
• Improves soil moisture retention
• Reduces thatch “build up”
• Improves surface irregularities
• Reduces nutrient run-off
• Adds humus and nutrients to the soil
• Excellent for heavy clay and sandy soils
• Provides a healthier environment for microbial activity
• Low cost method of improving soil